Tested Nutrition
- Anti-Estrogen
- Tested Nutrition
- 1 capsule
- 120 capsules
Product Description
Tested Nutrition Anti-Estro
Both men and women can suffer from too much Estrogen!
Whether brought on naturally, by the abuse of steroids, or sport nutrition test boosters Estrogen can promote and accelerate the development of breast cancer in women and cause men a number of health problems.
In men, excessive estrogen can cause gynecomastia (enlargement and formation of female like breasts in men) by binding to
estrogen receptors in the nipples area.
Estrogen may also interfere with testosterone production in men and may cause libido (sex drive) problems. Other side effects of excessive estrogen include: water retention (edema), impotence (in men) and acne. The highest concentration of estrogen receptors in the body is found in the breasts and nipple area. That is the reason for potential gynecomastia problems in men and breast cancer in women. Tested Nutrition Anti-Estro works by binding to the estrogen receptors and by doing so, they prevent harmful estrogen from binding to these receptor sites.